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My Little Terrarium Food Guide – Favorite Food of Animals

My Little Terrarium is a casual simulation game. Feed the kitten regularly. It is the best relaxing game for kids because of its simple UI and adaptable gameplay.

Initially, start by sowing plant seeds and then watering them. As your plant grows, you receive coins. Use these coins to buy more plants. You will receive a new pet animal if you develop an epic plant. Raise different cute animal pets; each pet unlocks by farming a specific type of plant. Many animals are available in the game, and each pet unlocks by planting a specific type of plant.

Food Guide for Pets in Little Terrarium

1. Cats

Its favorite food is tuna and steak, which it does not like salad and fruits.

2. Panda

Pandas often like to eat Salad, primarily fruits, and dislike worms and scorpion cake.

3. Rabbit

Rabbits like to eat Whiskey Jelly with tea and bread, but it does not eat canned tuna and Steak.

4. Blue Bird

Blue mostly eats worms and Blueberry Tart. It dislikes tea and biscuits with whiskey jelly.

5. Fox

Fox loves to eat Warm stew with tea and bread. It does not eat worms and whiskey jelly.

6. Koala

You can feed koala noodles and whiskey jelly, but do not give it tea with bread and blueberry tart.

7. Meerkat

Meerkat eats worms and scorpion cake but does not like Noodles and warm stew.

8. Elephant

Elephants often eat fruits and Salad. It cannot eat Tuna Cans and Steak.

9. Desert Fox

Desert fox likes blueberry tart and scorpion cake, avoiding noodles and warm straws.

10. Shiba Inu

A pale orange dog, Shiba’s favorite food is steak and tuna cans. However, please do not give it fruits or Salad.

11. Bichon

Bichon is a special dog. It also likes to eat tuna and Steak but avoids fruits and Salad.

12. Penguin

The penguin eats whisky jelly and tea with bread. However, it avoids warm stew and noodles.

13. Harp Seal

Harp seal likes tuna cans and noodles. Please do not give it tea and bread with whiskey jelly.

14. Baby Turtle

Baby Turtle’s favorite food is worms and Steak. It does not like Steak and tuna.

15. Otter

Otter likes tuna cans and noodles. Please do not give it tea and bread with whiskey jelly.

16. Monkey

Monkey’s favorite food is fruits and Steak. It does not like scorpion cakes and blueberry tarts.

17. Quokka

It is like a Salad with blueberry tart; do not give it warm stew or noodles.

18. Sparrow

Sparrow eats scorpion cake and worms.

19. Sheep

Sheep’s favorite food is Salad and warm stew, but dislikes tuna cans and tea with bread.

20. Reindeer

Reindeer only eat Salad and warm stew but prefer to avoid tuna cans and tea with bread.

21. Cheetah

Cheetah’s favorite food is tuna and Steak. Please do not give it worms or scorpion cake.

22. Sand Cat

Sand cats also like tuna and Steak. Its unfavorite foods are Salad and fruits.

23. Giraffe

Giraffe likes fruits and Salad and does not eat tuna and Steak.

Final Words

Therefore, these are all animals’ favorite foods in My Little Terrarium. To see more guides about this game, explore this site.